It is so important that all pupils look smart and wear the correct uniform. As you are aware, wearing uniform increases a sense of belonging and pride as well as being extremely practical. We need all parents to support us in ensuring all pupils wear the correct school attire. We understand that uniform can be expensive so the jumpers with our logos on are optional, however, the correct colour cardigans and jumpers must be worn.
Cardigans and jumpers must be the correct colour and hoodies should not be worn.
Footwear: plain black/white shoes (no coloured laces / coloured logos, patterns or writing.)
Thank you for your support.
Girls: hot weather | Boys: hot weather |
Girls: cold weather | Boys: cold weather |
School logo baseball caps and swimming hats are available from the School Office.
PE Kit
A navy blue T-shirt and shorts or a tracksuit can be used for outside activities, with plimsolls or trainers as suitable footwear.
Ordering School Uniform
A local shop (Helena’s) stocks PE kit and school cardigans/sweatshirts.