School Governance Committee


As Station Commander here at RAF Akrotiri I have the privilege of acting as Chair of the School Governance Committee for Akrotiri Primary School. Since I arrived, I have been hugely impressed with everything the staff, governors and children have achieved and I am delighted that the school has maintained such a positive focus despite the challenges we have faced over the past few years.

RAF Akrotiri remains the busiest main operating base in Defence. Delivering the unrelenting pace of operations and exercises places significant strain on the community as a whole – strain which can be felt both professionally and domestically. Reducing this strain is one of my key priorities, with the School, and indeed childcare more broadly, being fundamental to that. An important part of my plan to deliver this is through the School Governance Committee. Whilst the role of the School Governance Committee at an overseas MOD School is subtly different from a school in the UK, what remains constant is the need for the Committee to both support and challenge the school in all areas. To do this, governors take an active role: attending assemblies and lessons, meeting and supporting the curriculum and year heads, supporting safeguarding initiatives and acting as a critical friend if and when required. We are fully involved in all activities, acting in the best interests of the pupils in the school but, we are also the key link for parents who want to discuss any issues, improvements or just good ideas they may have to help us keep the School performing to the highest of standards. Don’t be afraid to engage with us, we are here to help.

I see the school as the beating heart of our community and a strong relationship between the school, School Governance Committee, Station and parents is essential if this is to continue.

So, in summary I offer you a warm welcome to our community and our School and would encourage you to get involved and support us in every way you can. Akrotiri Primary School is at the heart of our community and together we can ensure that it remains a special place where our children can flourish and achieve their full potential.  

GovernorsLead Role
Stn Cdr ClokeChair
Mr BallardVice Chair & Communications
Mr SchofieldCommunications
Padre Stewart Shaw
Mrs LeeInternational Aspects
Mrs LarkinsSafeguarding
Mrs AppleyardCurriculum
Mr WickersParent Governor
Mr AkkersPTA
Mrs DawsonFinance/SHEF
Mr LeyStandards
Mrs DavisLeadership
Mr WinsladeParent Governor
School Representatives……Role
Ben TurnerHead Teacher
Hannah RobinsonDeputy Head Teacher
Sallyann TaylorTeacher rep

MoD Schools do not follow the same system for SGC as in England. The following link is to the SGC TORs for MOD Schools which sets out the differences from England. It may also be of use to anyone interested in applying to become a member.

Useful Links:

SGC Roles & Responsibilities

SGC Code of Conduct 2019 Akrotiri Primary School

If you are interested in becoming part of our SGC, please contact the school for further information.
